The Purple Blackbird

I’ve never seen a purple bird before. 

What’s Purple? 

The colour you are , you’re feathers, they are purple. you are purple. 

I am a bird. Not a purple. 

You are both. 

So what are you? 

I am a bird. 

What is that colour on your feathers? 

The same colour as all the other birds. Black. Like a blackbird should be. 

Am I not a blackbird? 

You are. But you are purple. 
How did you get to be purple? 

I don’t know. I suppose I am unique. 

We don’t like unique. 

And why not? Don’t you want to be unique? 

Not when we fly south. We have to stay together, in formation. 

We can do that while being unique. 

I don’t know if we can. 

Let’s try.


So they flew together to test it out. 

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